London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1.

Yesterday Lauran and Beth made the journey from Winchester to Wandsworth for my 21st birthday! And they made sure to come with presents.

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

After a tour of the house, it was time to get down to business: getting ready, drinking, but most importantly… PHOTOS.

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

Before we knew it, it was time to jump in the taxi and head out for Central.

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

We arrived at Loop Bar and made our way to the bar for tequila shots, before settling down with a few drinks then heading downstairs for a bit of dancing. I’m not going to lie – we were by far the best dressed there!

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

Naturally the only way to get around London is by rickshaw and we naturally dubbed ourselves the ‘Rickshaw Rude-gals’ as we were chauffeured to Leicester Square.

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

The whole evening was a gaggle of laughs with some of my most favourite people in the whole entire world, filled with so much love and happiness.

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1v

The night ended with sore feet and sister bonding time.

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

London Loop, Rickshaw Rude-gals and Birthday Banter Pt. 1

I wouldn’t have had it any other way.



Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas.

It seems strange to be saying goodbye to Marble Canyon, after two fun days spent in such an isolated area. At the same time as saying goodbye to Marble Canyon we’re also preparing to say goodbye to America and to this amazing experience. But anyway, before I dwell on that and get all depressed, I’ll move on. So, we started our long drive back to Vegas by stopping off at some really cool rock houses that ACTUAL people used to live in. now obviously because I’m (kind of) short I could live in there no problem, but what about the odd person that might have been (god forbid) 5”5?!

Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas

Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas

Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas

Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas

Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas

Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas

Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas

Then it was back on the road again for a couple of hours before we made a stop at Jacob Lake.

Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas

Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas

Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas

Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas

Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas

Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas

I can’t remember where, but we stopped for a quick group picture, and I have to say it had one of the best views that I’d seen all trip. Which says a lot because there were some amazing views!

Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas

Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas

Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas

By the time we stopped for food, I was gagging for some wifi and a burger of some kind, so it was pretty awesome there was a Burger King with BOTH! One thing that I’ll never be able to get over from my travels is the way Americans size their food. Is this actually a small?

Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas

We drove through a Mormon town, which I wasn’t able to get any pictures of, but believe me when I say that it felt like being thrown back in time. If you’ve ever seen The Village, it felt exactly like that! I’m also starting to think that in America, ‘towns’ are simply long roads with buildings coming off at the sides. One thing I was able to get many pictures of, was the scenery, which even though I’d seen a lot of over the past two weeks, it still felt like seeing it for the first time.

Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas

Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas

Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas

By the time we got back to Vegas, it was late afternoon, and after several hours of driving, it’s fair to say that we were all pretty tired. In some weird way, returning to the Travelodge felt like returning home, after all, we had spent our first few days here. And what better way to celebrate returning home? By going out and getting drunk hahahaha.

Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas

Georgia, Natalie and I hit up a bar called La Salsa Cantina, who had the yummiest cocktails and an even nicer waiter.

Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas

Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas

Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas

Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas

Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas

As you can see, we had a great time!

Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas

Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas

Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas

Rock Houses and Returning to Vegas

Tomorrow it’s off to the airport and back home to England. It’s going to be quite an emotional farewell.



Exploring Marble Canyon.

Yesterday I told you how Marble Canyon was pretty remote (it has a population of about twenty-two), so you’re probably wondering about the title and about how much exploring one can actually do in such a small remote place. Well my answer to that is: you’d be VERY surprised. Georgia, Natalie and I started the day with a breakfast for champions (I swear I was still full from it the next morning – NO JOKE), which Rhiannon caught a few more z’s in bed.

Exploring Marble Canyon

When breakfast was done, it was off to the Navajo Bridge, where we went to a little shop, before doing what we always do: pose. I really wish I’d brought my purse with me because I would have loved to have bought a few things from the shop.

Exploring Marble Canyon

Exploring Marble Canyon

Exploring Marble Canyon

Exploring Marble Canyon

Exploring Marble Canyon

Exploring Marble Canyon

Exploring Marble Canyon

Exploring Marble Canyon

Exploring Marble Canyon

Exploring Marble Canyon

Exploring Marble Canyon

Then it was off to an old (relatively newly) abandoned ranch, where it got obscenely hot.

Exploring Marble Canyon

Exploring Marble Canyon

Exploring Marble Canyon


Exploring Marble Canyon

Exploring Marble Canyon

Exploring Marble Canyon

Exploring Marble Canyon

Exploring Marble Canyon

Looks like I won't be needing that Range Rover...

Looks like I won’t be needing that Range Rover…

Exploring Marble Canyon

Exploring Marble Canyon

Exploring Marble Canyon

Exploring Marble Canyon

Exploring Marble Canyon

Exploring Marble Canyon

Exploring Marble Canyon

After an extended look around we drove round the corner for a little cool off in the Colorado River. Rhiannon and I attempted to skim rocks, but gave up pretty quickly, opting instead for a competition to see who could throw rocks furthest.

Exploring Marble Canyon

Exploring Marble Canyon

It was soon time to return back to the motel where we were advised to go easy on the lunch because it wouldn’t help on our walk later in the afternoon.

Lunch time!

Lunch time!

Then before we knew it, it was time to embark on our last hike of the field trip, in Cathedral Wash. It was very challenging, but in a different way to Canyon De Chelly. We were literally climbing up and down rocks, looking down upon dizzying heights, whilst trudging along in the sand.

But it was most definitely worth it! We rested along another stretch of the Colorado River and it felt as though we were on holiday by the beach.

Exploring Marble Canyon

Exploring Marble Canyon

Then it was time to make the dreaded journey back to the motel. I think the main thing that made the journey back so dreaded was having to do everything in reserve, which meant climbing up the steep rocks, with the looming fear of death in case we fell.

Exploring Marble Canyon

Exploring Marble Canyon

At dinner we all hungrily indulged in a well-deserved meal whilst discussing our favourite films. I had a tasty grilled sandwich with fries, even though I was still feeling kind of full from breakfast, would you believe.

Exploring Marble Canyon

Surprisingly enough though, the day didn’t end there. It ended with us star-gazing as Fran explained and went into detail about the stars and physics, while having a few cheeky cigarettes. We then wandered off a little, away from the street lights, surrounded by complete and utter darkness and watched as the sky filled with stars. It was truly spectacular.

Tomorrow is our last FULL day in America as we head back to Vegas!



Natural Bridges.

More than half way into our field trip, I think it was fair to say we were quite familiar with each other and our routines. At this point in the trip, London, university, England, all seemed worlds away and it felt like living in a dream world of motels, dollars, Fran’s van and the endless open road. I really can’t put into words what it feels like to live out of a suitcase for weeks on end, with people you hadn’t seen, let alone spoken more than two words to before this trip – it’s totally indescribable. Anyway, waking up in Bluff felt different to the other places I’d woken up in. For starters, I was waking up in a room ALL TO MYSELF (hahahahhahahaa), and for seconds, it felt more like the wilderness (you’ll see what I mean when you see the pictures).

Natural Bridges

It would be wrong and wholly untruthful of me if I didn’t describe Bluff as barren! It felt as though Bluff was one street with a couple motels and restaurants parked alongside it, with a minimart. I think that if it hadn’t have been for the television in my room, Bluff would have definitely been the most remote place we’d stayed in.

Natural Bridges

Natural Bridges

Egg Toastie

Egg Toastie

Natural Bridges

Natural Bridges

Natural Bridges

You can just about see our motel sign peeping behind the school bus’

Natural Bridges

After breakfast we clamoured into the vans and headed off for the Natural Bridges, but not before stopping off at another Center, where I miraculously experienced Natural Bridges before everyone else did hahaha 😉

I told you so...

I told you so…

Natural Bridges

Natural Bridges

The number one thing I love about nature is that it never ceases to amaze me and it makes me fall in love with it over and over again.

Natural Bridges

Natural Bridges

Natural Bridges

Natural Bridges

Natural Bridges

Natural Bridges

Natural Bridges

Natural Bridges

Natural Bridges

Natural Bridges

Natural Bridges

Natural Bridges

Natural Bridges

Natural Bridges

Following the “food” incident of yesterday, we thought it wise to eat at another place tonight, so we walked up the road to Twin Rocks Café, and sat down to a very filling meal!

Natural Bridges

Another all black ensemble

Natural Bridges

I had the Navajo burger which is basically a burger in fry bread. If you’re not familiar with fry bread, it’s simply dough that’s been deep fried. It’s super yummy and tastes kind of like those chicken ball things you get with Chinese food (but without the chicken obviously).

Natural Bridges

The best piece of carrot cake I think I've EVER had

The best piece of carrot cake I think I’ve EVER had

After dinner we headed back to the motel and I climbed into bed with watch Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal!!!! It was out of this world, watching my two favourite shows with everyone else on twitter and not having to watch it online on Friday!

Natural Bridges

My tweets from the night… INSANE!!!!

Tomorrow we move on from barren Bluff and visit Monument Valley and settle into Marble Canyon. See you then.



Router Shenanigans and Bluff City.

After spending the night at the Hopi Cultural Center, it was time to move on to our next destination: Bluff City… but not before stopping off at several places (as usual), and most definitely not before showcasing our amazing outfits to the rest of the group. Now, when I say “our amazing outfits” I’m referring to ‘Fran’s Fun Van’ and the things we bought when we were in Williams, which I’m sure you would have picked up on in some of the pictures. The Van consisted of: myself, Rhiannon, Georgia, Natalie, Charles (occasionally), and last but by no means least, FRAN.

Don’t we look so hot?!!

With our honorary Router, Serena

We made a quick stop to look at the awesome view and then to look inside another culture center.

Router Shenanigans and Bluff City

Putting my car washing skills to the test

This day was most probably by far the most challenging day because we hiked up and down the colossus Canyon De Chelly. Let me tell you this now, that canyon is one hell of a beast. It may not look it from the pictures, but it was exhausting, cruel and downright scary. Obviously I’d most probably do it again, because let’s face it; I’d do the whole trip again if I could.

A view looking down the canyon

A view looking down the canyon

Router Shenanigans and Bluff City

Router Shenanigans and Bluff City

Router Shenanigans and Bluff City

Router Shenanigans and Bluff City

Router Shenanigans and Bluff City

Router Shenanigans and Bluff City

Relaxing after making it down the canyon

Router Shenanigans and Bluff City

And then the dreaded journey back up began…

Router Shenanigans and Bluff City

Router Shenanigans and Bluff City

Router Shenanigans and Bluff City

Router Shenanigans and Bluff City

We found a paw print!

We found a paw print!

Router Shenanigans and Bluff City

At the end of an incredibly tiring day, we finally arrived in Bluff, where I was surprised to find out that I’d have the pleasure of having my own room for the next two nights!

Pretty sweet

Pretty sweet

We all went out to dinner as a large group (all nineteen of us). Dinner was super tasty, although hindsight, it probably wasn’t as good as it made out to be, as two of our group came down with food poisoning.

Router Shenanigans and Bluff City

There's ALWAYS room for dessert

There’s ALWAYS room for dessert

Georgia and I got left behind after dinner

Georgia and I got left behind after dinner

The day couldn’t have been completed without one last fun photo-shoot before hopping off to bed.

Bluff City bitch!

They see me rollin’, they hatin’…

Tomorrow we embark on yet another hike and visit the Natural Bridges, which were spectacular.

