Humble And Kind.

When I heard this song for the first time the other day, it had me in tears. Not only do the lyrics serve as a brilliant reminder to treat people well (something I know I’m guilty of not always doing) and to always strive to be the best version of yourself that you can be, but Tim’s voice is something else. His deep, husky tone sends chills down your spine and it really feels like these are words he is saying from the bottom of his heart – you can even imagine the words of the song being what he tells his children from time to time. This song is perfect if you’re in a reflective mood or feel like you could do with a pep talk.

Happy Sunday.




As the year draws to a close you usually find yourself looking back (either fondly or regretfully) on the year that just went past. Earlier this week, as I thought back on the last twelve months and all my trials and tribulations, there was one song that came to mind and I’ve had it stuck in my head ever since. As it’s been a while since I’ve treated you to a Sunday Soundtrack, I thought it would be fitting to have it as today’s Soundtrack.

Happy Sunday.



Hell On Heels.

This has been one of my favourite country songs for a few years now. Although it’s slow, kind of heavy and a little dark at times, I still find the song to be fun, badass (it makes me feel bad… in a good way 😉 ) and extremely addictive; and I regularly get it stuck in my head. Case in point, I randomly found myself humming this song a few weeks ago which then lead to me listening to it on repeat for about four hours – I kid you not. Today happens to be another day where I’ve found myself singing the chorus and heading over to iTunes to listen to it.

It’s been a few years since the Pistol Annies released any new music, but I’m hoping they’ll have a comeback soon. Give the song a listen. Happy Sunday.



You Look Like Rain.

Woo another Luke Bryan song! As much as I love those up-beat, fast-paced country songs, every once in a while it’s nice to listen to something slow, heart-warming and sincere sung in a deep husky voice. I think it’s fair to say that Luke’s slow songs are some of the best in country, and this cute song is definitely up there with the best of them. It’s also so great knowing that even though he loves a good party, Luke also knows how to wind it down to create something new. This song is a nice departure from all the fun we’ve been having for our last few Sunday Soundtracks.

Happy Sunday.

Duele El Corazón.

I know I sometimes have the tendency to sound a bit over the top in my writing, but I promise you I mean every single word – but I do believe that after you’ve listened to this song you’ll feel the exact same way. Okay, so a few weeks ago this song came on in the office and OH MY GOD from the moment I heard the first line I was hooked. By the time the chorus came around I was FLOORED, and by the time the song had finished, I had died about a million times and come back to life – it was that great. Something else that made me realise just how great the song was, was the fact that it made me pause my own music which hardly ever happens because my music is better than what plays in the office – or at least so I thought. Anyway, it wasn’t until a bit later that I realised it was sung by Enrique which looking back I’m wondering how I didn’t recognise his angel voice. This song is sexy, passionate, fun, catchy, addictive (I won’t tell you how many times I’ve listened to it – I blame that damn-killer beat), and just the thing I didn’t know I was missing from music. It’s put a spring in my step every time I’ve listened to it, and I do believe it’s changed my life for good! This song has hands down got to be one of the best I’ve heard ALLLLLLLL year aka my whole life!

If you only do one thing today, make sure you give this song a listen (or twenty)… Oh and there’s also an English version if the original is a little too hot for you 😉 Happy Sunday.




As the year draws to a close it’s hard to not look back over the past ten months – at the ups and the downs, the trials and the tribulations – and feel a wave of emotion. From what I’ve gathered from twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and basically every social media platform, 2016 has been challenging (for whatever reason) for most of us. At times it’s been hard to see the light at the end of the very long and very dark tunnel; it’s been hard to keep hope; and for a lot of us all we need is that sign that everything will be okay in the end. When I first heard this song I was so moved by it and its message of not giving up and fighting on, that I knew I just had to share it as today’s Soundtrack.

If you’re looking for a sign or for hope, this song is definitely it. Happy Sunday!



Dirty Laundry.

Aside from practically every other song on the album, ‘Dirty Laundry’ (not to be confused with Kelly Rowland’s emotional and moving song) was one of my favourites from Carrie’s latest album, Storyteller, so when I saw that a music video for the song had been released on Friday I was over the moon. This song is one of her strong catchy country tunes that will have you tapping your foot and singing along in no time. It’s definitely worth a watch and a listen!

Happy Sunday!




When I first heard this a few weeks ago, I loved it right off the bat. It’s fun, full of attitude and makes you want to, you guessed it, move. The beat is strong and powerful and I’ll be surprised if you’re not tapping your foot by the end of the song.

I won’t judge you if you have it on repeat for the rest of the day. Happy Sunday.



Kick The Dust Up.

Wow can you believe it’s already October? This year has really flown by so quickly. Anyway, on to today’s Soundtrack. This song came out last year, but as I was on a Country hiatus I didn’t end up listening to it earlier to this year. Like most Luke Bryan songs, before the first chorus you’re already in the mood to get up and dance. This is really such a fun, carefree song that will get you in the mood for Monday tomorrow!

Happy Sunday.

